Friday, January 29, 2010

Sharing about His faithfulness was AWESOME

It's the first time, me sharing our testimony infront of many in SF today. It was about the difficult times we had endured during our FnC posting(which was the post i wrote back in October) and in the end, how God has blessed us in here to read the post again:)

Telling people about how His faithfulness was indeed great. Emotionally moved by His presence. And just looking back, it's definitely by God's grace we survived!

Now i understand why when we've tasted His goodness, we will have this joy, just want to share it with the people who have yet to taste it, because we know God wants them to know how DEEP He loves them as well, and want to bring them back to His side and assure abundance blessings....

Thank You Lord, for the courage to testify Your faithfulness in our lives today.
Thank you, Lily and Eugene for the long hours of putting all the slides together in powerpoint.
Thank you all for the prayers throughout this difficult times.

We have conquered part of this journey and there are more to come and we shall face them with joy and trust in God.

thank you Ly, for who you are, the best companion i could ever ask.

wasSup Doc: A tunnel of testing can produce a shining testimony.

We are going through the tunnel, do you want to join us?? :)


ly said...

aww..such a sweet post. thank you for always being there too :D Remember, you are an AMAZING woman created perfectly by our AMAZING GOD! :D

Ang3 said...

>Ly: yeap, u are one amazing woman toO:)