Last Thursday was the last day of my attachment to Vascular Surgery department. Moving to a general medicine ward starting tomorrow. Just pray that the consultants there are nice as the ones in Vascular:) So after the last teaching session, we had a group pics with the 3 consultants from the ward:)
And juniors had a dim sum gathering with seniors from IMU. Didnt take any pic tho, all were busy eating.. and that very night, went to Kwok Man Lou for dinner. Wahhh, thanks to Steve, the dishes he ordered was...crazily good!
and FINALLY i received Mustaqim's delayed 'Xmas wishes on snow' !!
Mussy, we have SUN in Manchester!!:)
oh wells, the effect of the writings on the snow using sticks is AWESOME right? Plus point, his shadow with the 'peace' sign..super artistic, no doubt:)
PLUS, there is a 'peace' sign too:) It's his signature i guess!
Thankies LENGZHAI-MUSang!
i love it:)
Coincidentally, both pics have the 'peace' signs:)
i noticed it when i looked back the pic taken 3 years back.
God has spoken to me through Mus' pics.
" The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds"
-Philippians 4:7-
wasSup Doc: Peace I leave with you, My peace i give to you;
not as the world gives do I give to you -Jesus
gosh the last pic so nice!!!
p/s: u put so many stars for the food pics, really enjoy makan yea... =P how many stars for home-cooked food angie? hehe
>Jess: erm, home cooked food..maybe 10 stars:P coz home cooked food is NICe and healthier:P
less salt, less sugar, less oil..wakakaka
malaysian foood malaysian tai chow foodddd :D
eh.. who is this lengzhai mus that u speak of? i bet he really is super lengzhai!!!! hahahaa
eh eh, how come u have that xmas thing ah.. i dun even remember doing such art of pure lengzhai!!! hahaha why never pass to me one... grrrrr
nice pic of food.. u r making me fat again!!!! ahhhhhhhhhh
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