HELLO peeps...am just got back from Paris yesterday. SooOoo exhausted as we needed to catch an early flight. So all of us had to wake up bout 3.30am!
We were invited to Jeremy's house for a farewell dinner with the youths and some churh members. Had vietnamese beef pho again (we had that when we arrived Paris on our first day too..funny. That's like THE dish in Paris! Anyway, had a good time of fellowship with these youths and it's quite amazing how GOD has allowed to communicate so well with each other despite the language barrier we have. Gonna miss them much!! This trip is more of loving the people instead of loving the hustle bustle city of Paris! Out of 10 days there, we only managed to have a day trip around Paris..it's ok, i will return there for another visit! Since my main aim there was to evangelize:)
Preparation for my final year begins NOW!
scary scary scary, but from this mission trip, i've learned to let God to take full control and surrender! Many miracles seen throughout this trip, only God can do the impossible:)
*just a short testimony to share here*
my final year officially starts today. I am posted to Cheshire and thus i should have gone there to settle myself yesterday upon my arrival. Accommodation is provided for us since it's a 2 and half hours away from my based hospital. So before I went to Paris, i was really worried that i will be exhausted once I arrived home and had to rush off to the hospital straight away. I asked my friends to pray for me so that I have strength to do so and will be ready to start my new year. But guess what, God is really good. Just a few days before i flew to Paris, the hospital admin sent me an email saying that they couldn't accommodate me on the Tuesday because Monday is a bank holiday and the surgery will be very busy, so I was asked to go in on Wednesday instead! Which meant, i had a Tuesday OFF, to pack my stuff an take my time to travel to Cheshire! True enough, i was dead tired yesterday when I arrived and kept yawning and felt so sleepy. God knows such thing will happen and He did a small miracle so that I have sufficient rest and recharge fully before starting my new academic year..PRAISE God!
keep me in prayer for my finals please...
wasSup Doc: au revoir Paris:) Missing my holidays, missing God's people in Paris!