IMU convocation 2008 was held last Saturday. Though we're just the itsy bitsy batch graduating from Phase 1 medical programme, out of 167 from my batch, 55+ students attended this convo.. SS-ness ...We just want to experience the feeling of becoming a 50% doctor..Bwahahha. For those who missed it..Too bad..WE HAD LOTS OF FUN!
Pei*Geoff*Angie....We finally made it! Yay..
to my other fellow chickens who didnt come--PARTY POOPERs larrr..
His famous quote: When you see a lion....
That bouquet of roses is for M3
Shud have forced him to follow me around...
Me, beaming with joy:)
I finally finished my 2.5 years in IMU Bukit Jalil.
It's definitely not easy, hours of study, months of stress and years of perseverance.
I'm already a 50% doctor...Hehehe
M106, we finally made it!
wasSup doc: *fingers crossed* my next convo will be in Manchester!
The day will come, it's another challenge but Angie is prepared! Come on...
2 more days b4 i leave this lovely Malaysia
current feelings: Excited+ EMO EMO EMO+ Happy!
waaaaaa the convo looks so nice from ur pix.. sure u didnt photoshop ka? hahaha
of coz it's fun for u... cam whore!! can take lotsa ss pix hahaha... unlike the rest of the population, convo is the time to catch up on sleep during the log speeches and the long lines before u got urs hahaha
cheers good that u enoyed it hahaha
>kahirul: eh, i always look nicEEee:P:P
u were once a party pooper too, dun wanna go convo! the speeches weren't that long, and u kno wat, we were given privilege to go up on stage b4 those graduated yea! It's real fun!
safe trip darling
>huang: Thank U gurlie...Hugs:)
you're like a walking sunflower... the bouquet in the pic pales in comparison...
You ar, appear online more often okay now that we're not gonna see you around for sometime like wannie and mus...
finally! =)
i saw those photos from facebook first before i read ur
i like the last pic (which u put as ur profile pic in friendster and facebook) =D
>G-wong: 'i'm a walking sunflower..' i love that statement:) i'll APPEAR ONLINE more often.muakkakak. if only my connection here works:(
>Jessica: Yup, most pics are in my blog:) nice-kan:) Cheers!
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