Monday, June 25, 2012

Highlights of weekend on call

BOOM...ended weekend on call ALIVE.

Surgical weekends is NO comparison to medical on calls i must say.
Quiet-ER than usual.

1 referral out of these 2 days...not normal. But oh wells, that's me, being abundantly BLESSED!
Running up and down, for discharge letters, prescriptions and reviewing some sickIES in the ward.

Highlights? hmmm...
On Saturday, I was bleeped to do some bloods for this lady. I was told by staff nurse that she tried a few times. Unsuccessful. So I went with a mentality that she is going to be super hard to bleed.
I got hold of the smallest syringe and off I went to see her.
Family gathered around her..All eyes on me*Pressure + Pressure*
Saw her arms and hands..BRUISED all over *ADD ON PRessuRE!!*
I tied the tourniquet TIGHT..TAP TAP a bit with hope that some veins will pop out! Said a quiet prayer in my heart. Put on a big smile on my face and asked her..take a deep breath in..few moments later.. a very rigid vein appeared. *Angie is the happiest doctor now* Stabbed her ONCE and blood flowed into the tube! She said she did not feel a thing! *SuccEss!* I smiled.
She happy, family satisfied. I relieved!

Half an hour later, a nurse came and asked me if I'm on call on Sunday. I replied yess, and I asked why? She said, this patient wants to know if that 'Little Chinese doctor' can come and bleed her tomorrow. Hahahahahaha...*I just laughed to myself*
I indeed went and took some blood off her this morning, and she was UBER happy to see me ..Hah, I just made her day, i hope :]!

Her presence has made my weekend on call feeling much better :)
I survived 2 days on call.
no more for now.

wasSup Doc: Kindness is worth more than beauty ~

Saturday, June 23, 2012 NOT in my dictionary!

that's right!

Am on-call over this weekend.
Today was day 1! Survived..:)

Achievement of the day was definitely spanking x2 GREEN cannulas into 2 different patients..Lol
*why so happy?* Coz I have never put such a big cannula into anybody as YET. size PINK is already a challenge.. call me coward previously, i dun care, i just dun wan go burst all my patients veins and gets nothing! And because I know the bigger needle u used, the more pain they get*considerate nyer mua*..but at least I have TRIED size GREEN and succeeded ey:) I am proud of myself. Period:)

Next up..nothing is IMPOSSIBLE until you have tried!
I was handed over by the day team that they have tried taking bloods from this patient and couldn't get any. They 'stabbed' her x7 today and nothing obtained! When I went into her room, I could see the distress in her, and kinda reluctant to let me try anmore. But I managed to persuade her to let me give it a go. Guess what, I got it in my FIRST ATTEMPT and she was impressed! Moral of the lesson is..NEVER SAY IMPOSSIB
LE. Key is..U NEED TO FIND and BE PATIENT, the VEINS are there! *Vampire is my second name*!

2 more days to go....weekends on call..hmm..not something that I look forward to of course. Why? Because patients tend to get more poorly, with spikes of temp..??sepsis! then come these bunch of nurses bleeping you non stop for cannulas and bloods and prescriptions! 5 surgical wards..covered all by yourself, and on top of that..those GP referrals..hooray, more jobs for you, the junior-EST of all!

U're running like a headless chicken in the hospital, has anybody actually cares if you have eaten anything throughout the day..the answer is NO NO NO. You get bleeped to review a patient URGENTLY because he has not passed any urine, but did anybody realised the you yourself has not got time to go toilet as well or even have a sip of water?! Everybody just WANTs a piece of you and squeeze you DRY. This is how the hospital works. Not as glamorous as you think it will be. You work in a DRAMATIC environement...u wont believe how drame it can be..teehee ;)

Now, the doctors in UK recently had a strike. Of course, we working in the hospital are considered as providing emergency care, so we all had to go in as normal day.
But the strike was carried out for a reason. Basically, the government has extended our retirement age which is 68yo and decided to reduce the amount of pension that we're going to get after retirement. Our generation will be the one affected :'(
AGAIN, we doctors are being taken advantage. Sigh..pure BULLYING.
Imagine I have to work another 40++ years..Lol..gonna be a cool old grandma Dr doing rounds man!

Allright, I should really get some sleep now. *fingers crossed for a peaceful weekend*!

wasSup Doc: Seek and you will find ^_^

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The reason my job is so satisfying..

A token of appreciation received from my patient's mum this morning.
*first box of choc in my career!*

This is why I feel all the hard work I've put in my job is worthwhile.
GO AWAY tiredness and frustrations with the NHS!
I still love my job!

now share the calories and joy!

wasSup Doc: I'm so blessed to bless. With my hands...Oh Lord, please use them!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Join the fun of the giveaway :)

Happy news. I just got signed off from my FY 1 coordinator recently. Interview went all right, and guess what, he asked me what is my hobby. I said: BENTO MAKING, and flipped my portfolio to the last page, showing him my creative creations for the last few years. I can see the shocked face in him, but before I left the room, he said..'keep up the good work. It helps to release some stress at work, right? *He smiled*! I felt relieved. Something to take pride of, indeed :PI'm now on a Salad marathon for lunch. Since my trip to USA, been indulging with big bowl of Salad for the multicolour effects of different salad! *Like*
Getting my Five-a-da quota of fruits and vege!

Moving on.

As usual, me being me..the competitive Angie Mangie will not give any chance away if I can win ANY giveaway that involves BENTO!

So I came across this blog recently, a Canadian gurl, Noire who is living in Japan at present ( oh boy, my FAVOURITE country in this entire GLOBE!) and yesh, she is giving out some KAWAII gifts from low and behold..JAPAN!

Do check out her link at Bunny&Spice to find out MORE DETAILS regarding the giveaway!

Not to forget another giveaway at Scrumptious Bento whom I just found out recently. Another amazing bento blogger with beautiful bento pics all over her blogs. Am super impressed with her master pieces :) Not only that, she has posted a few recipes to share too. CHECK it OUT! :P

Allrighty, back to work!
1 and a half more months to go and I will be an..SHO!? *mixed feelings*

watsSup Doc: A Christian life is not a sprint, but a marathon.
Despite so, I am loving this long journey