So am into my 3rd day of Surgery posting. Everytime I tell my fellow colleague that am doing Breast surgery, their reply would be ' ah, that's the CHILLEST job ever. U will always sit in the doctors' mess and wait for the time to go home. Nothing much to do at all'. Yea right, all were LIES!
I started my first day, having my consultant being on call, we had to do the post take ward round of 30 patients around hospital! And yes, all other jobs will add on to our list... do the bloods, request for CT scan, Ultrasound scan, speak to the radiologist, break the bad news to the family..etc..and my partner and I had been going back home at 630pm since day 1 because the endless jobs!
One thing I realised in surgery...the patient and doctors' relationship aren't that GREAT.
Most patients are discharged 2 days after surgery. U dun even have time to talk to them, and off they go from the ward! *some even self-discharge theselves before the consultant says OKAY*!
Last Friday when I was on call on a busy bank holiday, my consultant's gentle words made my day though:]
MR P was donig his post take ward round of maybe 20+ patients with me.
There were already a few emergency patients awaiting him for surgery, but he was kind enough to see these new admissions with me till quite late- about 3pm! *bear in mind, surgeons usually do ward rounds of only 2 hours MAX and they'll vanish into the theatre straight after*
Nvm, as we were walking to another ward..this was our conversation
Mr P: Angelene, who do you work for?
Me: Mr Prasad, the breast surgery team.
Mr P: Oh, he is so lucky.
Me: Why you say so??
Mr P: Because you are very energetic, and that's good. He's lucky to have you in his team!
Me:.......*smiling inside myself*
The hyper-ness in me was noticed! :) *Haha, all I cud whisper to myself was.. Jesus living me!* :D
It was still a busy havoc on call day, but that comment just made my day feel much better.
That aside,
I start to miss my elderly care ward. Maybe I have this soft spots for the old men in my previous ward. I lurve to stop by their beds and see how they are doing. You might think I'm too free and got nothing better to do, u're WRONG, just because this makes me happy.
I like to make them a cuppa of coffee and tea, to sit by their side and chat with them about their favourite food/family. * i had one patient who loves Fish&Chips!*
I like to ask them to promise me that they will eat and drink so that they can feel better.
- An old patient of mine, came in with general deterioration, reduced appetite to eat and drink, later developed a heart attack. Went into CCU and came to my ward later for rehab. I insisted him to promise me that he will eat more. I reached out to his little finger and entwined with mine, making a pinky promise! Since then, everytime he sees me in the hosp, he would show me his little finger. Lol...then he was discharged. 10 days later, I saw him in another ward when I was on call, he was re-admitted for being breathless. To my surprise, he could recognise me and showed me his little finger and gave me the most enlightening smile! *my heart just melts*
I miss having these old men whose little acts can make me smile, and make me feel so satisfied at work!
Ah, i shud not complain further.. Surgery, oh bring it on! :)
BTW, I celebrated my 25th birthday just recently.
The church friends threw me a surprise partah without me knowing it! :D
WatsSup Doc: A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun.
Yes, I will enjoy the trip!
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