For the past 3 weekends, had revision courses over the weekend, 8am to 6pm, Saturday and Sunday, back to back! Allright, no guarantee that i retained everything that I learned but i'm sure I've learned abit to prepare myself for the exams. Really hope and pray that I can pass this exams...WHY SO TOUGH.....:'(
Feel so stressful, feel so unprepared.
Plus, am now posted to a district hospital for 4 weeks, doing Elderly care medicine. Rochdale Infirmiry is my home during the weekdays but i'll run back home during weekends. Thank God I need not walk in the cold to the hospital because my room is IN the hospital itself! Good stuff, I just have to wake up, shower and run down to my ward:)
my comfy bed:) Was so happy when the cleaner changed my bedsheet to a pink flowery one!
She is such a lovely and dedicated mum! Very blessed to have her around.
She has been cooking yummilicious meals for us, and feeding me with so much home cooked food:)
I am really well fed like a piglet now!
very very blessed indeed!
THANK YOU Aunt Winnie!
U're a God sent!
Christmas is approaching.
somebody send me some S.U.N.S.H.I.N.E as Xmas gift please!
TQ very much.
wasSup Doc: 'F.I.N.A.L.s' is the scariest WORD on earth now :(
Give me courage, Lord.
sending sunshine and love from aussie land now!!
sending sunshine n lots of love from the land of summer all yr round!!
>Jess: Thankies..2 months is out promise:) God answered prayers His time
>Anon: thankies for the love from Malaysia!
I hate snow I hate snow and i hate December....haha... guess what i am still alive...
>Jasper: ALIVE and SUFFERING in the But one thing is to be happy despite the snowy season, that is...CHRISTMAS is here!!! Whee~
i have to celebrate christmas alone at home.... =(
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