We had a 10 course dinner..ranging from king prawns, squid, braised pork, beef, taufu...
Steamed salty chicken, Thai cooked fish, vege, lamb and sweet n sour pork....fuyoh...1kg gained from this meal...
Sun--with church friends(student fellowship) @ Taipan restaurant...we waited for 2 hours for our food to be served. So many Chinese in Manchester ler...aiyoyoyoyo!! It's a must to sit in a round table for reunion dinner right??!
Bored...waiting for our fOood!
So...snap snap snap time lor......smile:)
Finally...our food..caME! Just have a look at what we had...Again, it's a 9 course dinner! My parents were saying i'm eating much better food than they do back home..muakakka!
Tofu, lamb, DUCK, chicken
noodle + Rice with scallop, prawns and squid!
belacan Kangkung!!! Slurp!
Seafood!! Scallops, KING prawns, LOBSTER and not to forget Fish ..Another kg gained after this meal..now u tell me, how to loose weight?! haih...haih..haih..
Yam Seng!!
I killed the chicken:P
Steph joined us for dinner too:)
Guess wat is this?! (it's fish head bone..am amazed how Steph ate the head till so clean!)
at least, get to eat...bakgua on CNY:)
Though it's CNY, we still have to go in hospital early morning, for case presentation:( but was cancelled in the end because only 2 students turned up! sigh...
and it's the 1st day of my attachment. Was given 'thyroid swelling' as my topic for this attachment.
Good start though, my tutor let me scrubbed-in and assisted him in a complete thyroidectomy today! Woohoo, it's my very first time and it's really exciting.. looking forward for more such opportunity throughout this 1 month attachment:)
wasSup Doc: In God's service, our greatest ability is our availability...I need to be ready all the time for this new journey He has planned for me:)
happy CNY my dear =) tell u wat, i ate bakgua!! i asked my dad to buy for me that day after i chat with u on msn...haha~
that was just to tell u that i thought of u when eating bakgua!! am i not kind? =P
>Jess: very kind indeed..muakakak..oh wells, i shal not complain, coz i have a tiny small piece of bakgua too..good enuff:)
happy chinese new year!! btw, go download or youtube this singapore hit series that just finished and watch it when you are free k... very nice but prepared to have tissue papers beside you... the show is called little nyonya... its about baba nyonya heritage =)
muahahahaha jacelyn you watch it too???!! i just finished watching it today :p nice nice nice. always make me hungry over here.
>Jacelyn + Sarah: Happy New Year..Guess wat, my frens over here are all crazy over that show toO...i dare not start yet coz i know i wont be able to concentrate on other stuff...but no worries, will watch since it's a HIT..i wont wanna miss out anything GREAT:)
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