We had a 10 course dinner..ranging from king prawns, squid, braised pork, beef, taufu...
Steamed salty chicken, Thai cooked fish, vege, lamb and sweet n sour pork....fuyoh...1kg gained from this meal...
Sun--with church friends(student fellowship) @ Taipan restaurant...we waited for 2 hours for our food to be served. So many Chinese in Manchester ler...aiyoyoyoyo!! It's a must to sit in a round table for reunion dinner right??!
Bored...waiting for our fOood!
So...snap snap snap time lor......smile:)
Finally...our food..caME! Just have a look at what we had...Again, it's a 9 course dinner! My parents were saying i'm eating much better food than they do back home..muakakka!
Tofu, lamb, DUCK, chicken
noodle + Rice with scallop, prawns and squid!
belacan Kangkung!!! Slurp!
Seafood!! Scallops, KING prawns, LOBSTER and not to forget Fish ..Another kg gained after this meal..now u tell me, how to loose weight?! haih...haih..haih..
Yam Seng!!
I killed the chicken:P
Steph joined us for dinner too:)
Guess wat is this?! (it's fish head bone..am amazed how Steph ate the head till so clean!)
at least, get to eat...bakgua on CNY:)
Though it's CNY, we still have to go in hospital early morning, for case presentation:( but was cancelled in the end because only 2 students turned up! sigh...
and it's the 1st day of my attachment. Was given 'thyroid swelling' as my topic for this attachment.
Good start though, my tutor let me scrubbed-in and assisted him in a complete thyroidectomy today! Woohoo, it's my very first time and it's really exciting.. looking forward for more such opportunity throughout this 1 month attachment:)
wasSup Doc: In God's service, our greatest ability is our availability...I need to be ready all the time for this new journey He has planned for me:)