Yup, i just finished EnDo exams yesterday and to celebrate the end of this system, we decided to go Ikano to have a Padini shopping spree coz i have a birthday 30% off...And i must say this was our very 1st time go shopping together(excluding the long hours shopping for pressies la>_<) though we know each other since orientation...
I took train to bandar Tun Razak station this morning and Hwei Wan picked me up from there. Then off we went to Ikano where both Denise and Hwei Wan have their pottery class..This was my very first time see these 2 ladies moulding the pots. I MUST say here, they are really good. I didn't expect them to be able to do such nice pots and tea cups with only attending a few classes during our holidays. They are not only medical students who have brains, they are also skillful at making pots out of dough of clay! U can ask Hwei Wan what was my 1st expression when i saw them start working. *Jaw opens WIDE, exopthalmos(protruding eyes) were my clinical features!!*
While they were busy with their pottery stuff, i sneaked to Ikea and got my quilt cover..it's lovey dovey pink color!!!Aww, it's my favourite color!! I was contemplating whether to get the cover with spirals or cartoons on it but after long consideration, finally i decided to get a plain one instead due to the stress i will encounter especially during exam period and if i still have to sleep in the spiral covered comforter..No way man, i'll get headache and nightmare!!*will show the pic after i wash the quilt cover k:)*
When Denise and Hwei Wan finished their pottery class, we had a quick lunch at Ikea Restaurant. Then "ZoooooM", off we went to Padini concept shop and hunt for our stuff--heels, clothes, accesories,etc.....BUT it was not my day to shop today. The shoe i'm eyeing since few weeks back is no longer on the shelves, and for those which i fell in love at first sight, no more size!!Argh, it's so unlucky....but it's ok.Save my $$ and use it for the next round...hahaha!
However, my fellow mates managed to fins something they like. Coincidently, Xan and Denise bought a pair of pointy same design shoes which looks super CHUN and Hwei Wan broke her record buying 2 purple shirts(She only buys BLUE color, but NOT this time..Bravo!!Improvements dear:) Pity Jen Lye who followed us..didnt manage to get his PINK shirt:(Try again next time loo and poor thing, he had to wait for us,ladies making up our mind on which shoe to buy..Hehe(Sorry Jen, girls are girls)..
Hwei Wan who is the Pro at making hole at the base of the pots....Wahaha. Nola, mistakes and accidents do happen right?U're still the best...:)
The mistakes and accidents pots....WITHOUT a base!!
The one and only cup with my name on it:) Thanks gals!!i LOVE it. See the products behind, they are all made by the 2 geniuses>Hwei Wan and Denise!!*Thumbs up*
This guy is really good at moulding clay bags...I was shocked and amazed esp is a GUY doing it. Usually girls are better at doing all these handicrafts stuff but i was totally wrong.He is one in a million. Checked out the bag he did..
The PROs and the Paparazzi(me)..snapping their pics when they were working..*Hwei Wan kinda irritated when i snap her shots..Hehe.Sorry dear!!*
wasSup Docs: Why girls LOVE shopping? It's an unexplainable syndrome, i supposed:)
yo!! when wanna go shopping with me?? heard ur name since form 1, knew u better in form 3, altogether 6 or 7 years and we haven't gone out shopping together even once! kinda pathetic la..
promise me we'll go shopping k?
shoping shoping shoping!
*head bursts like a bubble*
heheheh... we should go shopping together again some day!! and nope.. i was not irritated with you being a paparazzi... more like annoyed.. hahaha.. joking lar.. since when i can get irritated or annoyed by you one? if you stop taking pictures.. then IT IS NOT ANGELENE!! :P
>Jess:YUP YUP YUP...we shall go shopping once u come back from Aus...PROMISE!!:):)
>Denise:U seems angry Denise...?head bursts like bubble??isn't it enjoyable??
>HweiWan: U're absolutely CORRECT!if i dun snap ur pics, i'm NOT Angelene!!Muahahah..n we SHUD go shopping more often..looking forward to Jan*hint hint*
haha no la, wat i meant was so excited till head burst like a bubble *pop* like in the cartoons =p
haha who can not be happy with shopping? but i wish you could have bought something nice for yourself tho...
we find something real pretty for you one day k!
it was like rummaging from the top to the bottom of the pile of clothes and all i get is an...............
haih.. wished i was twice my body size.. so sad la.. ahaha.. but the pink shirt rox!!!
pity just no size...
saw this somewhere...
wasSup Doc: what does it take to make girls happy?
nopez.. not shopping..
>Jen Lye: Pity u ler..nvm, we shall try to get one next time k,if only u follow us go shopping again..Hehe
>Wai Lye: That phrase is from crz's blog, he's trying to zha me..Hehe.nvm, no sarcasm no fun, right crz??
haha.. no comments =)
shopping again? sure sure.. no probs... i want to try that beef steak at ikea.. looks real good the other day... =)
erm, FISH n CHIPs is BETTER!!
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