Lately, I'm obsessed with bento again....Thanks to Kevin who has ignited my love for bento again! Lol.... anyway, since I cant get any bento accessories here in UK, my final resort is to take part in as many bento contest as possible..try my luck, I never know right:)
So, this is the one i took part in recently: click here please :)
PLEASE PLEASE for me! My bento is the 3rd one, called 'Best Friend Forever!' :)
The poll is ending on this Saturday. So please just click the above link and put your vote in before the deadline. Every vote counts, I say a BIG thank you for those who have voted!
Just a 5 mins of yours will do....I really want that cute little blue bunny tupperware C:
Allright, the next contest is this!Click here AND here Lol...this one is just a random entry because there are some rules to abide to. Theme: Happy and Healthy! Each entry must be children related and must fit the theme of 'Happy and Healthy'! Guess what, I emailed the blogger about the 'Guess Who' event in my church last week and my entry was qualified!*You can read my entry from the link above* Hoorey...but as for this contest, it's a lucky draw to win some bento accessories again..Just hope I'm the blessed one! The prizies for this contest is also some cute Tupperware and food picks! *I'm really crazy over foodpicks now, love shaped, cars, angel wings, OMGIee...the list can go on and on..DAISO/100yen shops..WHERE ART THOU INI UK!??!??!
At the meantime..BENTO BENTO BENTO!
This week star bento!
Spaghetti with roasted herbs turkey and pineapple!
wasSup Doc: Duty alone is drudgery; Duty with love is delight C:
God is L.O.V.E