the feeling of opening the postbox and found letters specifically for me is so ....happy-ing!
Thank God for postmen.
Received a few letters that put a smile on my face last few days..esp they are all from around the world. I'm still remembered and am so loved....
all the way from Melbourne, Aus:)
Thank you Shannie for the early birthday wishes and encouragements..cant wait to see you when u come back from US:)
Thank you, Ivyyy for the Merlion Postcard + noteS! I*heart*Merlion:) i heart this princess named Ang Ang in S'pore!! U dun overworked urself more, dearie!!
Thank you Kimmie for your deflatable birthday it lots:):):) thanks for 'importing' this adorable monkey for me...
somebody is turning 21 tomorrow...*grin*
wishes are wat i love most:)
Happy birthday, Angie.
wasSup Doc: 28th of Mac. It's a day for reflection. Looking back how God has blessed me throughout these 21 years. I'm thankful for how He created me. i am who i am^_^