My heart hurts.... Pain seeps in bit by bit, slowly it conquered me.
Hope i'll get over soon..real soon.
anyway, biggie Thanks to my Sunday school kids, they are adorable. They always are....
Small small actions they do never fail to change my mood from :( to :)!
As i was cleaning up the room, one of my kids, Elisa(4 yrs old) came to me and give me a hug after class today.
She said:' Thank U teacher and bye bye'.*Heart meltz*
By the way, today's class was about God's love for everyone.
Last week was bible story and this week was crafts. The summary of the story goes like this:
God cares for the flowers. He send them rain and sunshine to grow. He clothes them with colourful clothing. God cares for the birds too. He teaches them to make nest and provide food for them. And so, we do not have to worry about tomorrow because God cares for us more...
taken from Matthew 6: 25-30
Hah, i used POWERPOINT presentation to impress these kids when i was telling them the bible story. U know y? coz their attention span SUPPER short...Haih, kids nowadays. Now i understand why Dr P Kumar used lots of colourful slides to catch our attentions in lectures:):)
Matthew..Pauline's cute little monster
Langston....Mommy's favourite boy:) ALWAYS do his best to make his parents proud.
Shane dearie...Princess of the class:)
Jeremy boy..the uber hyperactive kido:)
From football, basketball, pom-pom, hula-hoop, he LOVES everything!
Lee Xin....smiley all the way^_^ Drama King!
Gurls^_^ from left: Charity, Natalie, Faith, Leanne
and groovy Daniel at the back^_^
Huh, i'm so blessed to have them around and help me to de-STRESS!
How i wish i am one of them.
wasSup Doc: Children are forever happy creatures. Not because they have no worries, it's because the simple faith they have in God.